Social Icons


понедельник, 11 октября 2010 г.


Эдгар-Жермен-Илер де Га, или Эдгар Дега (фр. Edgar Degas) (19 июля 1834, Париж — 27 сентября 1917) — французский живописец, один из виднейших и оригинальнейших представителей импрессионистского движения.

In the late 1890s, Degas’ work became more abstract. He used pastel more frequently, choosing intense, sometimes strident color and focusing more on the formal qualities of color, line, and shape. In Ballet Scene, he vigorously applied pastels—bright blues, greens, oranges, and pinks—to create an assemblage of dancers’ limbs flowing into one another across the friezelike composition. One twentieth-century scholar observed: "The stage curtain is so full of bravura, so essentially abstract, that it could be an abstract expressionist painting."

Edgar Degas, Ballet Scene, c. 1907, pastel on cardboard, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Chester Dale Collection

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